An Article “Analysis on the Current Virtual Workplace Design Trends, and a Proposal for the Design Directions of the Future Virtual Workplace - Based on 12 Current Virtual Workplace Platforms -” has been published in the Journal of KBIM, 80-92, 2022


FutureSpaceLab(지도교수:차승헌) 에서 Journal of KBIM에 새로운 논문을 게재했습니다.

Cho, K., Eum, Y., Choi, H., Lee, S., and Cha, S. (Corresponding author), "Analysis on the Current Virtual Workplace Design Trends, and a Proposal for the Design Directions of the Future Virtual Workplace - Based on 12 Current Virtual Workplace Platforms - (가상 업무 공간의 디자인 현황 분석 및 향후 디자인 방법에 관한 제언 - 12개의 현행 사례의 비교분석을 중심으로 -)" Journal of KBIM, 80-92, 2022. 
