June 2022, EDRA53 in Greenville!

 EDRA is one of the organizations that the members of the Health Design Lab value.

We appreciate their mission to "recognize and create more humane environments to improve quality of life for all people" and are willing to participate in their endeavor through our research and design.

Dr. Lim joined the EDRA53 conference in Greenville, South Carolina, and presented her research with her colleagues through multiple presentations. Also, our undergraduate student Jaechang Noh's study was shared via a poster session, congratulations!

Especially this year, Dr. Lim announced the winners of the Great Places Awards during the award ceremony on June 2nd. She co-chaired the Great Places Awards program that recognizes work that combines expertise in design, research, and practice, and contributes to the creation of dynamic, humane places that engage our attention and imagination (Great Places Awards - Environmental Design Research Association (edra.org)).

Lastly, the conference is (always) a great opportunity to meet new colleagues, and re-connect with friends and colleagues, especially with good local food!

We share EDRA's mission and plan to continue putting our efforts into creating better environments for all people through our research and design. We hope to see many of you at the EDRA54 Mexico City conference next year!


"The Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) is an international, interdisciplinary organization founded in 1968 by design professionals, social scientists, students, educators, and facility managers. EDRA came into being in the 1960s, during a period of social awareness and social unrest, but also new horizons and new visions. True to its origins, EDRA continues to believe in an agenda of social responsibility that has grown from a barely perceptible idea to a more fully-formed vision for healthier, more democratic human environments."

About - Environmental Design Research Association (edra.org) 임리사 교수는 미국 사우스캐롤라이나주 그린빌에서 열린 EDRA53 컨퍼런스에 참가하여 동료들과 함께 발표세션을 가졌다. 또한 학부생 노재창 학생이 포스터 세션에 참가했다. 특히 임교수는 시상자로서 올해의 Great Places Awards(위대한 장소 상) 수상자를 발표했다. 더불어 그녀는 디자인, 연구, 실천 분야의 전문성을 결합하고 우리의 관심과 상상력을 자극하는 역동적이고 인간적인 장소를 만드는 데 기여한 작품을 인정하는 위대한 장소상 프로그램의 공동 의장을 맡았다.(Great Places Awards - Environmental Design Research Association (edra.org)).
